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Help! I’m Having Pain During Sex

Help! I’m Having Pain During Sex

If you experience pain just before, during, or after sex, you’re not alone. Studies estimate that millions of women — about 40% of the population — will experience pain due to sexual intercourse at some point in their lives. 

However, just because it’s common doesn’t mean you must accept it as a fact of life. Unfortunately, most women don’t seek help for it either due to embarrassment or because they had a provider previously dismiss their concerns. 

Because painful sex can wear on your relationship with your partner and diminish your quality of life, our team led by Rachel Speildoch, MD, FACOG, at McDowell Mountain Gynecology in Scottsdale, Arizona, offers compassionate care for painful sex, medically known as dyspareunia.  

In this blog, we discuss some common causes of painful sex and how we can treat it.

What causes painful sex?

Women can experience pain during sex for a wide range of reasons, some physical and some emotional. These are just some of the things that contribute to painful sex:

Painful sex is often described as a sharp pain that happens during penetration; however, it can also involve deep burning pain, cramping, or throbbing after sex. It can be all over your genital area or located in one particular spot. 

Treating painful sex

No matter what symptoms you experience, don’t put off seeking treatment. Painful sex doesn’t have to be something you have to live with. 

When you see our team at McDowell Mountain Gynecology, our team starts by asking you questions about your symptoms to narrow down the root cause of your pain. That gives us a better idea of how to start your treatment plan.

If painful sex is caused by vaginal dryness or atrophy, or other vaginal structural issues, we offer vaginal rejuvenation to repair damaged vaginal tissues, boost overall tissue health, and improve blood flow.

For pain during sex that’s caused by hormonal imbalances, we offer hormone replacement therapy and bioidentical hormone pellets to boost estrogen levels and restore optimal sexual function. 

Different types of medications can help clear up any infections or other medical issues that might be leading to painful sex. Our team also offers minimally invasive surgery options when pain during sex is caused by uterine fibroids or endometriosis. 

If painful sex isn’t found to be caused by a physical health issue, our team would love to discuss mental health services to help you overcome any mental blocks that are potentially causing the pain and other symptoms. 

Pain during sex doesn’t have to be a reality for you. Contact our team for expert treatment by calling our office at 480-483-9011 or scheduling an appointment online.

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